Wednesday, February 23, 2011

More Etsy Stuff

 These hats are so much fun.  I did one for Gabby to match her snow coat.
  I made a bunch of these necklaces in different colors, they are kind of fun to put with a jacket or whatever.

 Super old dresser that I am selling on craigslist, I want new carpet so I'm going to try and sell some stuff to get the money together.  I'm on a mission.

Mannequin Display Head

I made this from a head that I have, it's hollow, but stiff enough to be a display head.  The first one didn't turn out that great, then my trusty Hubby helped me with this one and it turned out much better.

My Etsy Shop Stuff

My Wall and the awsome Mirror

Livingroom Wall

I have needed to paint the livingroom for a long time, Charlie my 7 year old son had done some art on it and because it's white it showed everything and after a year it was looking totally yuck to me.   So I am far from done, but I've got a good start.  Since my couches are Navy Blue, the curtains white & red and I have alot of red accents, grey seemed like a good option, one that wouldn't be too dark and wouldn't clash with what I have up already.  I went ahead and slapped some grey paint on the wall and put the awsome mirror my hubby got for me.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Thank God It's Friday!!!

My Birthday is Sunday so Alfredo and I get to go out for the day just the two of us tomorrow.  I'm so excited, a whole day just the two of us, that hardly ever happens.  He's planned the day and our friends said that they would come over and watch the kids. 
  So I went on this website yesterday that my BFF Selina sent the link to.  Okay so amazing!! loved it.  I got so many neat and wonderful ideas off of there.  I can hardly wait to roll up my sleeves and get to work redoing my whole house.  I'm going to do it too.  There is a stencil project that she did that was terrific, however as Alfredo and I talked about it and I looked up stencils online, I realized how much time it would take to cut out my own stencils, comes the good cheap part.  Find a stencil you like online, copy it onto clear paper, like overhead paper and  then use your churches old overhead projector to put it up on the wall and paint and presto, you can do as big or as small as you want and where ever you want.  I'm so excited to try it.  Next week I'll be posting lots of pictures of my new adventure of making Gabby's room over and all that good stuff.  

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Creative Wednesday

When I was pregnant with Ben my Mom bought me a green military type jacket so I would have something to wear after I had him and I think maybe I've worn it once or twice, but I couldn't get rid of it for some reason, which is weird for me.  I rarely hang on to anything for very long.

  So I guess in the back of my mind I was always going to do something with it, so today I finally did.  I trimmed it in black lace, and of course put a gigantic black crocheted double layer rose on the lapel.  I'm looking forward to wearing it now.  I also cut the sleeves off and trimmed them with black lace as well.  Also got Gabby's new black and white sun dress altered for her and hemmed the neighbor guys pants, shampooed the furniture, know what I'm gonna fix for dinner, the kids are bathed and fed, those are some of the reason that today is so special.  I love getting things done, both fun and responsible.  That is what happens when I get up early and pray and give the day to the Lord.  
  Gabby and I are going to redo her room in black, white and pink so I will add pictures later of before and after and please don't judge us for the before pictures.